The focus of our work are educators and support staff, after all, they are the ones on the front line. One of the greatest aspects of SQE is that we are not attached to your institution. Therefore we do not have any preconceived ideas or perceptions about the teacher, department, or institution. Nor do we have to report to anyone within your institution. That means the one-to-one mentoring and coaching you receive as an educator or support staff is completely confidential.
What about the teacher?
You know how you dreamed of being an inspirational teacher for your students? How you would be able to spend time with them and develop them to their full potential? To watch them grow and achieve goals they would have never dreamed of setting till they had YOU as their teacher? To feel a sense of achievement and accomplishment yourself and to be recognised for your inspiring work as a teacher? So you became a teacher to impart your knowledge to help others develop. But then, once you had been in industry for around 2-3 years, it all started changing.

As a result of which workloads got larger. Time seemed to vanish. Management seemed to be demanding more and more of you. And results seem harder and harder to achieve with increasing funding cuts to your area and student (and parent) animosity building towards you. There is no longer time to plan effectively and observations are always happening in one form or another (we all love a learning walk – right??). You no longer enjoy teaching and now it has just become a chore that your life revolves around. Family and friends don’t see you. You’re exhausted all the time. You don’t get to indulge in hobbies and interests. And to add insult to injury, when you do finally get some time to yourself, you become ill.
Well, what I do is help to rekindle that passion and work towards making that initial dream come true. Sounds impossible? Let’s see! I don’t know you nor do I work in your institution, so there are no preconceived ideas nor do I have to report back to anyone. I work alongside you to develop techniques to save you time and paperwork duplication (who likes being a human photocopier??) and give you practical and realistic tips and ideas for all aspects of teaching, especially stress-free preparation and delivery whilst achieving maximum results. You’ll surely impress!
As a result, you’ll see an improvement in your work/life balance (i.e. you’ll get time back to have a life). You’ll start to get the recognition you deserve from your seniors and could even achieve that promotion you’ve always wanted!

The Healthy Educator
Elsa Schneider first looked at the mental well-being of teachers in 1950 and found that although paramount to learning and teaching, it was not considered a priority. The same was found by Miller and Wiltse in 1979 and then again by myself in 2020. Despite recent events, teachers’ well-being is still not always being addressed.
The Healthy Educator looks specifically at the mental well-being of those in the education sector and how they can prioritize themselves and their wellbeing.

Support for Institutions
SQE works with whole institutions to help raise teaching and learning practice, make a positive impact on KPI’s and raise their grade profile all whilst cutting costs, significantly! Sound too good to be true? Let’s have a chat and I’ll explain how we can help you!

Other Sessions
SQE also delivers many other workshops looking at targeted areas such as:
- Public Speaking
- Presentation Skills
- Interview Skills
- Differentiation
- Assessment of Learning
- Questioning Techniques
- Lesson Planning and much more